Sunday, March 2, 2008


This weekend was all about "LOVE" for Molly. She wanted to make sure I knew how much she loved me. She told me she loved me more than America's Birthday, fireworks, ladybugs, rolie polies her birthday, butterflies, penguins, pandas, princesses, fish and eating. She said she loves me more than the world. She also said she loved my name and that it was so pretty. Molly is so expressive and articulate and knows exactly how to explain how she is feeling. She is also very conscious about not hurting my feelings and not saying she loves Daddy more than me. Finally, she said she loves me more than everything and loves me more than everything she loves a lot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Molly, unlike you I find it quite difficult to put into words how much I love you and every single thing about you. You are my precious baby................

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